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Journaling is a Writer’s Essential Tool

For many writers, journaling is an essential part of their craft. For example, Joyce Carol Oates kept a journal for many years and she has published some of it. Yet, she not only recommends that all writers keep one, but all people keep one. As she stated on Twitter, where she is active:
Strongly recommend for all persons–not just writers–to keep a detailed journal. It is all that will remain after years. 99% of life lost.
Now there is a concept that could compel even the least literate of us to record some of our experiences with the words “99% of life lost” echoing in our heads. old typewriter From Samuel Johnson to Henry David Thoreau, journaling has been a key part of many successful authors’ lives. But journaling is something that is not just reserved for famous authors, journals can be used in all sorts of interesting ways. Those, who are serious about dreaming and lucid dreaming, recommend that we keep a dream journal which helps us to recall our dreams. 

How Keeping a Journal can Help us Tap into the Subconscious Mind

One of the most important aspects of our lives is the mysterious relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds. David Eagleman explores this in depth in his groundbreaking book, Incognito: The Secret Lives of the brain. He found that keeping a journal decreases the number of stress hormones present in the body.  It is not only a great stress reliever as many psychologists have found, but it is an amazing way to access the ocean that is the subconscious, while the conscious mind is a but a ship floating on the surface.

Journaling in Education

Educators use journaling as a teaching tool to encourage writing in young students.  As early as kindergarten, some teachers encourage students to “write” and illustrate stories about themselves.  These early efforts may have a few sound-related letters that attempt to write words with drawings to illustrate.  These types of activities evolve into lengthy pieces by the time the student is past primary grades.   girl journaling The freedom to write what you think and feel encourages students to be confident about expressing themselves in writing.  Although “a picture is worth a thousand words”, teachers encourage budding writers by instilling the concept that words paint a picture.  Education is all about inspiring students to be life-long learners and writing to remember, to express oneself in a different medium, to mark the evolution of personal growth is a life-long skill. So what will you write today?